Sometimes the world kicks our feet out from under us and we’re left sitting with the feeling of helplessness. We don’t know what to do, how to move forward, or what the next right thing is. In times like this, it is helpful to choose something.
There’s a massive impact on our world when one chooses to switch their vibration. Whether it means taking a shower, making the bed, or going for a walk, the purpose is to notice the trigger, breathe into the space that it isn’t there forever, and do something different just for the moment to allow greater flow.
Just like a puzzle, the pieces will be there for you when you return, but you may be able to find the right fit after walking away for a bit.
When we’re capable of shifting our perspective, so much more than our perspective shifts. We are habitual creatures and can very easily fall into familiar patterns or ways of living. Have you ever noticed a theme in the way your life shows up for you?
Are there times in your life that you look back on and see a pattern? For me, it initially showed up in how I would leave jobs. I would give my all, climb the ladder, end up in a situation where I felt trapped, then quit. Just walk away without another job lined up.
It took recognizing this pattern to be able to see the enabler in me. I wasn’t taking good care of myself in the process and working myself into overwhelm. There are always two sides to every story and usually somewhere in the middle is the truth. If I had a better understanding of where my protective boundaries were, triggers would have become less personal or there would have been earlier recognition when something wasn’t in my best interest allowing for different choices.
That’s where the hard part comes in, when you know you’re in a pattern of familiarity, and you have to choose to do something differently. This could be as simple as getting up and taking a shower to move you out of your funk, or as difficult as leaving an abusive partner you built a life with. Sometimes the effort to do either is equal which is why the impact is so significant.
When we’re given the gift of grace in a moment, that vibration shifts just slightly and allows for greater insight into what serves and what doesn’t. It is ultimately up to us what we’re going to do with it. Being open to endless possibilities allows us to be in relationship with the changing world around us. Let’s flow.