Our Collective Consciousness
We are part of the human organism, working, shopping, grieving, celebrating, worshiping, commuting, praying, in a collective manner. We are governed by a set of lines on a map, by genetics passed on from generations before, and by the environment in which we participate.
Some of us consider our neighbors our community while others may choose family or friends. However we go about being in a community, we are communicating psychically within a certain range of space. Psychic communication outside of time and space also occurs but I’m going to focus on what we see in the here and now.
Community is a cornerstone to why I built the Louisville Salt Cave. This spark was recently ignited by a former colleague that left a major impact on me despite our knowing one another very briefly. She shared the below quote and in searching it out, I uncovered this beautiful blog by Beth Berry about the absence of villages.
“The majority of our mental load and emotional labor as modern-day mothers comes from constantly and creatively trying to piece together some semblance of a village, stepping into roles meant to be filled by other village members, and unconsciously grieving this soul-crushing loss (which is hidden in plain sight). We hugely underestimate the weight of villageless mothers.”
We’re walking out of a pandemic that shut us away from our village, growing the physical support further apart, but possibly strengthening our connection telepathically. As I searched for evidence of this outside my usual experience of the topic, the science against it was most prominent. I was able to locate some recent data, as well as here, and here, that may suggest otherwise.
As we move into a new age following a global pandemic, ideas of cosmic lifeforms influencing us, and the understanding from ancient wisdom that we create our reality, it is so important to understand what part we play in all of this.
When discussing our second chakra, the place we hold fear, Carolyn Myss said, “Once you puncture a hole in the fear, you begin to see clearly. What is really going on here? 80% of your suffering is collectively created — get clear on how this is affecting you”.
We are in a time of rebuilding. Those in our local community of Kentucky are rebuilding after devastating tornados demolished entire towns. So many small businesses are struggling to stay in operation, and women are leaving the workforce in droves, recognizing their need to prioritize the family in a society that doesn’t value a tribe. The destruction we’ve experienced as a collective has roots in our spiritual, emotional, and physical world.
As we work together to rebuild, it is critical that we understand what is in our subconscious so we create from a place of conscious awareness. To do this, we must each do our individual work to understand this.
This means poking holes in the fear. Getting close enough to it means facing the parts of ourselves that we don’t like to see. We can do this by meditation. We can literally eye gaze in a mirror every morning to see what shows up for us. We must then look at what is available through this introspection objectively in order to put some space between us and what it is showing us. Then ask ourselves, is this really mine? How can I see this differently? What is this showing me?
Practicing mindfulness in a time extrasensory perception is increasing quickly will allow us to remain centered in our lives and take responsibility for what is ours. This rebuilds a community that is founded on love, support, compassion, and honesty.
That is the world I’m grateful to be a part of. This is why I came. This is why we’re here.