Setting a positive morning routine

2 min readMay 7, 2021

Morning routines are helpful because they give us an intentional moment to tune in and be with ourselves before taking on the world and all it has to offer. Oftentimes, simple awareness of a situation allows for a slight energetic shift softening the experience of whatever it is that is speaking to us.

This can be noticed by recognizing upon waking whether or not you’re starting the day from the right or wrong side of the bed. Did you dream and wake feeling hopeful about the magic that exists every day? Or did you jump up anxious about what could be ahead?

Either awareness is an opportunity, but it’s important to take a moment to pause and notice how your body feels. Tune in enough to ask it what information is available in this and what can I do right now to put some space between my mind and my body?

Dropping into the heart in a brief morning meditation allows for that space to form, and your intention to start the day off right is set. Taking a moment to recognize a negative thought pattern and choosing to go down a different path for the day will allow that path to become more visible.

Addictive patterns can form around anything that pulls us away from the present moment, so negative thought patterns are absolutely a place that can send us into the rabbit hole quite easily. Taking a moment to put some space between yourself and your thoughts allows the intelligent body the chance to do its job.

A gratitude practice of journaling 3–4 things you’re grateful for in the morning or evening is a powerful practice for positive energy flow. A prayer for guidance gets you out of your own way (so much pressure!) and allows your guides the chance to do their jobs.

Waking with a positive personal intention sets you up as a match to the vibration you’re bringing into your day. This doesn’t mean avoid the shadow, it just means put some space between you and those negative thought patterns so you’re able to keep growing effectively. Good or bad, right or wrong, none of it is that extreme when you invite a little awareness to the party.




I write to fuel my soul, I work to understand it, and I can be found at