Tapping Into Intuition

3 min readJun 7, 2021


Sometimes we look back and realize we called it years before it happened. Is that intuition or did we create it? I think there’s a little bit of both happening there.

We are gifted creatures, we’re given these 5 senses of which to perceive the world, and they all help us get in touch with our physical understanding of our surroundings. We’re also covering up our depression and anxiety with pharmaceuticals that aren’t working as long-term solutions because we’re living in ways that are out of alignment with our truth.

I’ve been there, swallowing the Zoloft so I could hop on a plane with my breast pump to make the sales calls only to end up bent over a toilet in the airport bathroom hand expressing my nearly bursting breasts because I forgot one of the essential pump pieces on the way out the door.

Fucking insanity. And still meeting societal expectations.

We get gut feelings for a reason, this is your body speaking to you. Jacque Saltsman once pointed out that our Western culture over-values our mind and places little emphasis on how the other forms of information we receive, such as visceral reactions. When we can drop from our minds into our hearts, we have clearer information about how to move forward.

What we’re used to experiencing as progress may not exactly be tangible, or something that involves effort. So often, we have to sit in these places of discomfort to reaffirm to our bodies that we hear it. We know something is off and we can’t necessarily name it.

This takes practice. I’ve been practicing intensively for 8 years since that fateful hand expression day, and each year I tap into myself a little deeper. I get clearer about what is of service to me and what I need to release.

In doing this, I’m able to take responsibility for what is mine and what I choose. This lessens the chance of it negatively impacting those I love. Bringing awareness to my shit lowers the chance that I’ll project it onto everyone else. This is why growth is so important my dear loves.

I began with a meditation practice, where I take time to sit with myself and see what comes up. How does it make me feel? Oh, that’s a strong feeling, let’s allow it for a while, I’m safe here. Where is it in my body? Does it have a color or texture or taste or smell? Now let’s put some space between me and that feeling and ask it what it needs.

If all we do is pray and ask for help, we’re not taking time to listen to the answer. It’s important to consider who we’re asking, and trust the process of surrender. The power of prayer comes from the slightest shifts in change. We can’t look at it as a genie granting a wish, we have a responsibility in this work as well.

It’s important to know that the answers we seek are available within us. They are Spirit-led, but if we don’t slow down enough to listen we often miss them.

Commit to yourself so you can share yourselves fully with the world. When you heal, I heal. We are connected and I want as much for you on your spiritual journey as I want for myself.

Let’s create a better future together.




Written by Ndavisbartlett

I write to fuel my soul, I work to understand it, and I can be found at NDavisBartlett.com.

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